My love, My Forever Valentine

For many years, I have had the same Valentine's date - a very special person to me. Someone who has learnt to love and appreciate my flaws. Someone who keeps me reflective but gives me the space to grow. Someone I have often forgotten to love back when needed the most but, I will constantly find ways to make up for it because they deserve it. Me. 
Valentine's day is a beautiful event. At the core, it is a nice occasion to express your love for others. For me as well as showing my appreciation to my loved ones, it is the perfect reminder to love myself. How ironic is it that on the day of love, the love for yourself doesn't come first? I have always believed that you cannot truly love someone else until you love yourself first.
I love my creativity. I love my courage. I love my doubts. I love my resistance. I love my knowledge. I love my thoughts. I love my empathy. I love my beauty. I love my strength. I love me.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all and if you haven't heard it from anyone yet today, hear it from me - I love you.

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